Rogers, A.M., Taylor, R., Egan, M.J. (2024) The cell-end protein Tea4 spatially regulates hyphal branch initiation and appressorium remodeling in the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. MBoC 35, br2.

Zhang, J., Qiu, R., Bieger, B.D., Oakley, C.E., Oakley, B.R., Egan, M.J., Xiang, X. (2023) Aspergillus SUMOylation mutants exhibit chromosome segregation defects including chromatin bridges. Genetics 225, iyad169.

Rogers, A.M., Egan, M.J. (2023) Septum-associated microtubule organizing centers within conidia support infectious development by the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Fungal Genetics and Biology 165, 103768.

Hopke, A., Mela, A., Ellett, F., Carter-House, D., Peña, J.F., Stajich, J.E., Altamirano, S., Lovett, B., Egan, M., Kale, S., Kronholm, I., Guerette, P., Szewczyk, E., McCluskey, K., Breslauer, D., Shah, H., Coad, B.R., Momany, M., Irimia, D. (2021) Crowdsourced analysis of fungal growth and branching on microfluidic platforms. PLoS ONE 16, e0257823.
Rogers, A., Dulal, N., Egan, M. (2021). 4D Widefield Fluorescence Imaging of Appressorium Morphogenesis by Magnaporthe oryzae . In: Jacob, S. (eds) Magnaporthe oryzae. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2356. Humana, New York, NY.

Dulal, N., Rogers, A.M., Proko, R., Bieger, B.D., Liyanage, R., Krishnamurthi, V.R., Wang, Y., Egan, M.J. (2021) Turgor-dependent and coronin-mediated F-actin dynamics drive septin disc-to-ring remodeling in the blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae. Journal of Cell Science 134, jcs251298.

Bieger, B.D., Osmani, A.H., Xiang, X., Egan, M.J. (2021) The spindle pole-body localization of activated cytoplasmic dynein is cell cycle-dependent in Aspergillus nidulans. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 148: 103519

Rogers, A.M., and Egan, M.J. (2020) Autophagy machinery promotes the chaperone-mediated formation and compartmentalization of protein aggregates during appressorium development by the rice blast fungus. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 31:21 2298-2305

Bieger, B.D., Rogers, A.M., Bates, S., and Egan, M.J. (2020) Long-distance early endosome motility in Aspergillus fumigatus promotes normal hyphal growth behaviors in controlled microenvironments but is dispensible for virulence. Traffic, 21: 479-487

Dulal, N., Rogers, A., Wang, Y., Egan, M.J., (2020) Dynamic assembly of higher-order septin structure during appressorium morphogenesis by the rice blast fungus. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 140: 103385

Salogiannis, J., Egan, M.J., Reck-Peterson, S.L (2016) Peroxisomes move by hitchhiking on early endosomes using the novel linker protein PxdA The Journal of Cell Biology, 212: 289-296.
[This work was highlighted by Short, B (2016) PdxA helps peroxisomes hitch a ride. The Journal of Cell Biology, 212: 258]

Egan, M.J*., McClintock, M.A*., Hollyer, I.H, Elliot, H. Reck-Peterson, S.L (2015) Cytoplasmic dynein is required for the spatial organization of protein aggregates in filamentous fungi. Cell Reports, 11: 201-209
*Authors contributed equally to this work

Tan, K., Roberts, A.J., Chonofsky, M., Egan, M.J., Reck-Peterson, S.L (2014) A Microscopy-based Screen Employing Multiplex Genome Sequencing Identifies Cargo-Specific Requirements for Dynein Velocity. Molecular Biology of the Cell. mbc.E13-09-0557

Egan, M.J., McClintock, M.A., Reck-Peterson, S.L (2012) Microtubule-based transport in filamentous fungi. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 15: 637-645

Egan, M.J., Tan, K. Reck-Peterson, S.L. (2012) Lis1 is an initiation factor for dynein-driven organelle transport. The Journal of Cell Biology 197: 971-982.
[This work was highlighted by Leslie, M (2012) Lis1 cuts its work short. The Journal of Cell Biology 197 (7): 852]

Jones, M.D., Forn, I., Gadelha, C., Egan, M.J., Bass, D., Massana, R., Richards, T.A. (2011) Discovery of novel intermediate forms redefines the fungal tree of life. Nature 474: 200-203.

Egan, M.J., and Talbot, N.J. (2008) Genomes, free radicals and plant cell invasion: recent developments in plant pathogenic fungi. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 11: 367–372.
Egan, M.J., Wang, Z-Y., Jones, M.A., Smirnoff, N., Talbot, N.J. (2007) Generation of reactive oxygen species by fungal NADPH oxidases is required for rice blast disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104: 11772-11777.
[This was work was featured in Nature, Research Highlights, 448, 228-229]
Veneault-Fourrey, C., Barooah, M., Egan, M.J., Wakley, G., Talbot, N.J. (2006) Autophagic fungal cell death is necessary for infection by the rice blast fungus. Science 312: 580-583.

Tucker, S.L. Thornton, C.R., Tasker, K., Jacob, C., Giles, G., Egan, M.J., Talbot, N.J. (2004) A fungal metallothionein is required for pathogenicity of Magnaporthe grisea. The Plant Cell 16: 1575-1588.