Egan Lab - Fungal Cell Biology

University of Arkansas, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology


Dulal, N., Rogers, A.M., Proko, R., Bieger, B.D., Liyanage, R., Krishnamurthi, V.R., Wang, Y., Egan, M.J. (2021) Turgor-dependent and coronin-mediated F-actin dynamics drive septin disc-to-ring remodeling in the blast fungus. Journal of Cell Science, online accepted manuscript

Bieger, B.D., Osmani, A.H., Xiang, X., Egan, M.J. (2021) The spindle pole-body localization of activated cytoplasmic dynein is cell cycle-dependent in Aspergillus nidulans. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 148: 103519

Rogers, A.M., and Egan, M.J. (2020) Autophagy machinery promotes the chaperone-mediated formation and compartmentalization of protein aggregates during appressorium development by the rice blast fungus. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 31:21  2298-2305

Bieger, B.D., Rogers, A.M., Bates, S., and Egan, M.J. (2020) Long-distance early endosome motility in Aspergillus fumigatus promotes normal hyphal growth behaviors in controlled microenvironments but is dispensible for virulence. Traffic, 21:  479-487

Dulal, N., Rogers, A., Wang, Y., Egan, M.J., (2020) Dynamic assembly of higher-order septin structure during appressorium morphogenesis by the rice blast fungus. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 140:  103385 

Salogiannis, J., Egan, M.J., Reck-Peterson, S.L (2016) Peroxisomes move by hitchhiking on early endosomes using the novel linker protein PxdA The Journal of Cell Biology, 212: 289-296. 

[This work was highlighted by Short, B (2016) PdxA helps peroxisomes hitch a ride. The Journal of Cell Biology, 212: 258] 

Egan, M.J*., McClintock, M.A*., Hollyer, I.H, Elliot, H. Reck-Peterson, S.L (2015) Cytoplasmic dynein is required for the spatial organization of protein aggregates in filamentous fungi. Cell Reports, 11: 201-209 

*Authors contributed equally to this work

Tan, K., Roberts, A.J., Chonofsky, M., Egan, M.J., Reck-Peterson, S.L (2014) A Microscopy-based Screen Employing Multiplex Genome Sequencing Identifies Cargo-Specific Requirements for Dynein Velocity. Molecular Biology of the Cell. mbc.E13-09-0557

Egan, M.J., McClintock, M.A., Reck-Peterson, S.L (2012) Microtubule-based transport in filamentous fungi. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 15: 637-645

Egan, M.J., Tan, K. Reck-Peterson, S.L. (2012) Lis1 is an initiation factor for dynein-driven organelle transport. The Journal of Cell Biology 197: 971-982.

[This work was highlighted by Leslie, M (2012) Lis1 cuts its work short. The Journal of Cell Biology 197 (7): 852]  

Jones, M.D., Forn, I., Gadelha, C., Egan, M.J., Bass, D., Massana, R., Richards, T.A. (2011) Discovery of novel intermediate forms redefines the fungal tree of life. Nature 474: 200-203.

Egan, M.J., and Talbot, N.J. (2008) Genomes, free radicals and plant cell invasion: recent developments in plant pathogenic fungi. Current Opinion in Plant Biology 11: 367–372.

Egan, M.J., Wang, Z-Y., Jones, M.A., Smirnoff, N., Talbot, N.J. (2007) Generation of reactive oxygen species by fungal NADPH oxidases is required for rice blast disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104: 11772-11777.

[This was work was featured in Nature, Research Highlights, 448, 228-229]

Veneault-Fourrey, C., Barooah, M., Egan, M.J., Wakley, G., Talbot, N.J. (2006) Autophagic fungal cell death is necessary for infection by the rice blast fungus. Science 312: 580-583.

Tucker, S.L. Thornton, C.R., Tasker, K., Jacob, C., Giles, G., Egan, M.J., Talbot, N.J. (2004) A fungal metallothionein is required for pathogenicity of Magnaporthe grisea. The Plant Cell 16: 1575-1588.