Fernanda de Padua del Corona recently completed her summer internship through the Adair/Bollenbacher scholarship program. She performed independent and original research over the course of the 10-week program and completed her project with a public presentation titled:
“Investigating the requirement of the microtubule-based cytoskeleton for septin-ring assembly during apressorium formation by the rice blast fungus.”
We greatly enjoyed hosting Fernanda in our lab over the summer and wish her good luck as she travels home to Brazil to complete her undergraduate degree. For her farewell dinner we enjoyed the best and most American steak that Fayetteville has to offer, at Does Eat Place!
We would like to also take this opportunity to welcome to our lab Baronger Bieger! He begins his PhD program this fall working with the human pathogenic fungus, Aspergillus fumigatus. We are sure he will be a valuable addition to our lab and we look forward to his research project getting underway!