Egan Lab - Fungal Cell Biology

University of Arkansas, Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology

Check out three recent publications from the Egan Lab on our Publications page!

Rogers, A.M., and Egan, M.J. (2020) Autophagy machinery promotes the chaperone-mediated formation and compartmentalization of protein aggregates during appressorium development by the rice blast fungus. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 31:21  2298-2305

Bieger, B.D., Rogers, A.M., Bates, S., and Egan, M.J. (2020) Long-distance early endosome motility in Aspergillus fumigatus promotes normal hyphal growth behaviors in controlled microenvironments but is dispensable for virulence. Traffic, 21:  479-487

Dulal, N., Rogers, A., Wang, Y., Egan, M.J., (2020) Dynamic assembly of higher-order septin structure during appressorium morphogenesis by the rice blast fungus. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 140:  103385