Check out three recent publications from the Egan Lab on our Publications page!
Rogers, A.M., and Egan, M.J. (2020) Autophagy machinery promotes the chaperone-mediated formation and compartmentalization of protein aggregates during appressorium development by the rice blast fungus. Molecular Biology of the Cell, 31:21 2298-2305
Bieger, B.D., Rogers, A.M., Bates, S., and Egan, M.J. (2020) Long-distance early endosome motility in Aspergillus fumigatus promotes normal hyphal growth behaviors in controlled microenvironments but is dispensable for virulence. Traffic, 21: 479-487
Dulal, N., Rogers, A., Wang, Y., Egan, M.J., (2020) Dynamic assembly of higher-order septin structure during appressorium morphogenesis by the rice blast fungus. Fungal Genetics and Biology, 140: 103385